Promote and boost on Facebook without any money!!
At the beginning of the writing I said "no money" but I did not say "free"; You will also have to pay something to get it even if it is not virtual, but also real life.
What do you want ???
Head Merit, time and labor; In fact, "Money" is a Super Alternative! These three Subjects !!!
Think, what would you do if you want to promote your Facebook page without any money or wish to post a post?
First of all, find out the Felllist of your Facebook ID and find at least 10 close friends who are rich in IDs.
Now request them to publish your page or post 'as soon as they post in the timeline post.
Well, let's think about this a little later; Free promotion will be entertained ....
It seems that you have convinced 10 close friends to promote your page / post, each of which has 5000 active friends (maximums are considered) on each ID, then 10 active ID numbers in 10 IDs are 10x5000 = 50000.
That means if you can convincing only 10 people, your page / post will reach the maximum 50 thousand people.
Oh .... but not the last !!!
According to the Facebook algorithm, if 10 thousand posts like this in 50 thousand people, then according to Facebook algorithm, the number of 10 thousand Facebook IDs will also reach the timeline of their favorite list as x liked y post [where x is 10 thousand Facebook id and y is your promoted content ] This way your content will continue to reach continuous algorithmic systems ......
This was the chain promotional system of the Ein Elgaridum; This time we will learn how to maximize the maximum effectiveness of:
(1) Like Facebook does not cost money; However, there should be a minimum "Cause" to achieve like. If you say "please like everyone on my page", then be assured that most people will be scrubbed by going to the back of your back .....
(2) The best way to get Facebook Like "Emotion" [This thing is known by the Bengali public and therefore do not want to raise the intellect ...].
(3) If you want to promote a page related to your technology, then select friends from the promoted buddy list which are more likely to be techpriyes or tech-seekers in the list.
Likewise, to select cosmetic or page decoration, it is best to select the filer id [to select the filename ID for promoting it, for the sake of the mach-effect, there is more to it than both the ritch and the emulsions].
(4) If you want to promote a page, then just do not have page mentions or page links; You need to write post by writing it wisely.
The post is either emotional or "public benefit" will be shown in the text.
Like this "Like all the technology related services like to receive free days"
(5) To promote the page, instead of link, instead of the page, make a suggestion to write. [Page ID:] to write.
Keep in mind that we are all fancy on Facebook, so many of us do not have the mentality of clicking the link.
(6) Facebook Lite supports HTML color code, so you can write prominent content with color code to attract attention.
However, since many people use free Facebook, they will not show color in the browser but they will create irritability while reading additional code between the text.
(7) Copy paste is effective than sharing on Facebook, so copy paste without sharing content and promoting content.
(8) If there is a need to collect any of the prominent content, then write the mentions in the first comment of the post, without mentioning at the end of the post, "Collected from such a page" and simultaneously the promotion of Two Time will be done simultaneously.
(9) Spamming is a good effect in the comment section of Popular Public Page, but it should not be done from Admin ID. And if the spamming type is not able to develop, it can often be annoying.
Continue Reding .... You can create a click by clicking on it:
@ + [Here is the ID code of your page: Here the name of your page's symbol or syllable]. Here are some of the greedy statuses, such as Gp sim, use free internet. Go to Mobile and Computer Setting @@ + [0: [ID of your page again: 1: continue reading]]
Again, if you write a long promotional content in place of reading, you can unwrap your click on your page and then redirect it to your page.
(10) You may have heard of Web SEO, but if you want you can also make Facebook SEO in your Promote Content. At the end of writing your prominent content, you can type the trend of current trends in #tags.
Just like a few days ago # 10_years_challenge or #we_want_justice
If you add a hash tag to the end of your promotion, then your search will be optimized easily when others search by typing that word or phrases or phrases in the Facebook search bar.
If you think that "if you have a smile or something," then you will be reminded again, "Hmmm ... that is it; if you have a brain, then it is possible to get the billiovirus without money".
Good luck and love for everyone.