Time Travel
In 1916, Warmhole wrote the first theory (although it was not called at the time), arising from Einstein's equation for relativity. Connects two points of space through a sorted tunnel through a high level of a wormhole. The entrance of a wormhole will emerge almost immediately on the other end of an object, even if the openings are separated by trillion miles.
Let's say there are two holes on the two ends of a paper. Now you need to knead yarn with two holes. It will definitely need more yarn. But if you fold the paper in such a way that if the two holes are right then you will need a little less cotton.
Now you think of the paper on the space screen. You have to go to the other side of the spacing of the pattern. Now you have to go to the other end. Now summarize the yarn. Now it is exactly the same thing. The easiest way to move from one end to the other end is to place the space in a little more time Guilt. You will move from one place to another.
There was no wormhole found anywhere in the space. So the physisist is worried about making wormhole. But the amount of energy required to make it is that the energy spent in one year of the world is hundred times the strength.
Another rule of time travel is telepathication.
Speaking today, Quantum Teleportation. Through this, any object can easily be transmitted from one place to another. In this method, the particles present in any object are initially separated into digital signals. After this they are transmitted from one place to another in the form of waves. After placing it in a specific place, it should be arranged in the way it was arranged earlier, it would easily reach anytime.
Happy news is that physicist Ray telephoned Photon
But the power that is needed to teleport a person is not in the world.
But suppose you have the power you can still teleport someone to your own.
Absolutely, but sad news that it will take time to teleport and take the time to determine the time of the universe three times. The object that is teleported, forget about all of his odds.
There is another way of time travel
This is a spaceship, through which a yajgar place time is brought to the fore, it can be easily traveled through past-future travels. But the speed of the drivecraft should be 95-99.99% of the speed of light but there is no such invention.
Paradox is the argument that time travel is not possible.
It has been said: Suppose you traveled some time in the past and went to the past when your grandfather was born. Then you killed your grandfather immediately. Imagine if you do not have grandfather then your father will not be there. If you do not have your father, then you will not even grow And how did you beat your grandfather when you did not?