Psychological Disorders and Phobias Self-Canibalism =Episode-01
There is an idea of this disease from the prehistoric era. The sufferers of this disease prefer to eat and eat human meat. Even when the level of the disease exceeds the level of their own flesh, they also start eating. According to historians, the practice of non-genital mutilation has been introduced in the primitive population almost six million years ago.
It was also seen during World War II. It was winter time. And this cannibalism is seen in the night. Self-canbyalism has come mainly from human canabeleism. Human cannibalis is a type of disease or custom where cannibals (those who practice canyabelezism) mainly eat different organs of another human body. Apart from self-canbyalism, there is another kind of cannibalism, which is called sexual cannibalism.
From the seventeenth century it has become common in people. There are currently many people who are suffering from this self-canbyalism. Although it is a very rare disease, but still it should be known about the disease. It's one of the psychological problems. Let's go deeper about this.
It is often seen in animals. For example, there are one type of junkie insects that bite their wings. There is a sea species called Sea Squirrel that can eat their own brain. There is a rattled snake found in North America, who has the ability to eat their whole body and ate their bodies at different times. Most of the time, these snakes will be seen, while half of their bodies are in the body. Because then they came in the light of the sun.
Self-eating cannibalism or self-eating was used as a type of crime in the seventeenth century. There have been many incidents in Sudan in 1990 and in Haiti in 1991, where people have been forced to eat their meat.
Now let's know how it works for the disease. OK?!
By the way, my nausea is vomiting. Rest in vomiting Vomited! Then do not read the rest!
Many of us have seen the self-canbyalism. Do not believe? Who is the nail bite? Do you know what kind of cannibalism it is?
There are many people who like to bite their hair or beard. It is also one kind of cannibalism, self-canbyalism. Hahaha! I nail myself! I'm a canyabal!
But many of the psychologists do not do that in canibalism. Because, according to them, we are doing what we are doing after listening to the healthy brain! So what? Biting nails and beard / hair are talking about!
But when it becomes our habit, and we can not control it again, then from there we can start eating meat of another (other people) and our own flesh slowly. And then it will fall into cannibalism.
Those who know the OCD, do not know if there is news! Before that I have told it many times. OCD is an abnormal compulsive disorder. In this disease, patients do the same work compulsively. For example, if a mosquito bites, then they will not get peace until blood is released from there. Or they are repeatedly before sleeping
They do not get peace if they do not see the door. At one time it can be so bad that the patient wants to eat up to their own flesh.
So from there you can also have this self-carebishism. Although the scientists still do not know exactly why it is, but still, according to them - the uric acid in our body starts to heat up our cells at one time. Then we start biting the part of our body, or the part that has become sensitized, by the subcontractor or the angle bored.
According to many scientists, it is mainly due to lack of dopamine. Dopamine is a neurological chemical and a type of neurotransmitter. Which is much more beneficial and necessary for our body and brain. Those who are basically suffering from OCD, have found that they can not stop themselves at the beginning, but when they are trapped, they can not prevent themselves from doing it. So, it seems that - it's quite well connected to the OCD. Those who did not read my post about OCD, read from below!
Some important information about cannibalism
>> One canibale in Japan - According to Isai Sagawa, the taste of human flesh is as addictive and odorless. Much like pork. But there are many more strings and tastes also.
>> The name of the human flesh to the Kanyabalas - Long Pig!
>> A cannabis in Germany - According to Armin Muyice, she first ate her classmate. What is the meat of the classmate! She used to eat more than twenty kilos of meat from her classmate for the first time on that day.
>> Another Kannabal (I do not remember my name) said that the human flesh is mainly sex, age, body part and cooking or raw; There is a difference of taste based on this.
>> Papua New Guinea is a tribal area famous for canibalism. They are the first to spread a disease called 'kuru'. Which was originally consumed by people eating rotten meat.
>> Many people do this because of spirial reasons. What is the meaning of self-canbyismism!
>> There are different types of cannabis types. The most common of which is the current of self-canbyalism and sexual cannibalism. After having sexual intercourse in sexual cannibalism, the child or the child mostly sticks to each other's body parts.
>> In a kind of superhuman power, although it can be called parasiticological disorder - the patient feels that if he consumes meat of another (especially brain and heart), then the life force and intelligence of that person will also come in between. And this parasiticological disorder is called 'Exociationalism'!
Now if I say that we are all who are in this world, they are Kanyabal Then will you run me? Or you start to abuse? Well, before giving a slap, I should say that there is a kind of cannibalism called 'autoconbialezism' where our dead body and dead nails or hair juices etc. eat other body parts in our body. And it is with us all. As we see, we all are Kanyabal.
The brother said so much, but what is the solution to this problem? What is the solution of self-canbyalism?
The solution is to respect its natural condition and to name it as fantasy or to get the feeling, do not do anything that will lead you to this disease. For example, many people have become involved in sexual cannibalism to fulfill the sexual fantasy.
The solution is ETI or Exclosure therapy and other psychotherapy such as CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. I have given a post on Cognitiv Behavioral Therapy and explained a different post. Find it from the bottom!
It's a face to face any fear. If you have any problems, then see the problem from more. If you are afraid of ghost then try to see the ghost. When your brain is able to understand the logic, then you will not have that problem. But in this case, what can I do with self-canbyism? In this case, if you want to do it, you have to find such kind of cabinets. Check out their status. Then you will understand how good they are!
So this is the first episode of the 'Psychological Disorders and Phobias' series. I am trying to share with you all the psychological phobias or disorders that are shared with you. I will try regularly for writing.