The cursed world of time -3

The cursed world of time -3
Daleisa rose before she got up from the sleep. But sleep nino is very good today.
Delicah - how did you sleep?
Nino - That's fine. But did you wake up so early?
Delicah - Hmm. Actually sleep is over. I fell asleep at 9 o'clock yesterday. But you went to sleep before.
Nino - Hmm. Let's go home. Today afternoon I spend my home.
Delicah - Hmm. Many stories can be made.
They say they are going to go home. Come home and come bathing all the time to relax. Nino usually cooks itself, though it means meal or restaurant or tablet. Whatever, though, will see Dellisake making nicotine food today, and if someone sees any work at Nina, she hesitates, but Delicia is not the only one to leave. He will also test the nano made food today.
However, the nano made it cheaper, because the guest in the house does not have to be removed.
Dylisato surprise by cooking food, such a cooking can be a professional.

Dellisa - wow! Nice taste! From whom did you learn?
Nino - from mama
Dellisa - Oh. Where is Aunty and Uncle?
Nino - They are waiting for me at the other end. Dad was an engineer. 6 years ago died in a tragedy. And the mother died of illness 5 years ago. Dad's death made his mother stoop So soon he went to his father.
Delicia - I'm really sorry.
Nino - Oh. There is no problem. Why is it so much interest to your time travel?
Dellisa - I did not see mother during my childhood. I was born after giving birth. In the face of my father, I have always heard that the mother was very beautiful and kind, especially nature lovers. Once in a book, I saved a boy who saved his girlfriend! From there, the idea of ​​time travel to the mother came to mind. Why did you do so much for the time travel?
Nino - to see the many signs of the past. There is no desire to know much about the future.
Dellisa - Oh.

To speak these short words, the evening came to an end. Time to leave for Delissa. Tomorrow
Delicia got off like that day as it was seen in the lab. And the Nino started the hawk. All the time-related research papers were assembled in his home. He will study the time travels from tomorrow to the last time. This time, if not, will not be there. All the files are assembled together by sleeping.

1st day,
Nino, Delissa team ready. Scientifically, in the event of any human work agreeing to human behavior, two things are needed: information and thinking. Proceed with tested data and rational thought. Nino and his team are concerned about all the information they get. Why was not possible before. What was the error. The errors are going to find them together, the errors are of the basics One of the papers is very big. It will take a lot of time to finish and see it in the team. But because of Nino and Delissa, many of the team is optimistic that today's work will end soon. However, a lot of information is not finished in the afternoon. However, to solve the problem and to know if it could or could be solved. Nino noticed that the success of the sources did not happen because they were found in the real world; Rather, it is not surprising that the potential world to be estimated by them is similar to that known to the Bhaban. Delicia is going very well.

The night passed by evening. Today's lab work is over. Basically, they will reach a new conclusion based on all previous information. Everyone goes home. Before leaving, Delissa expressed her gratitude once more to agree to research at Nike. The basic work will start from tomorrow. Ninoo left the lab to go home.

Large area of ​​the lab! Because there are many more labs in this room. But when the picture was about the girl, she took pictures from the pocket while flying out of the air with the wind or nano was shot behind the picture. But the picture is okay. Going to the front of Moris's lab, Niño thinks he did not see Morris's paper. So he got into Morris's lobby. There are all the papers on the main table. And on the computer, the scientists take the information in the pen drive with the main passwords. If there is no experiment, then it is not legally wrong to get information from him. However, he found a sweet smell in the lab. The same smell as it was found in that railway line. But its discomfort. Because he got this smell before the railway line. Very familiar smell Any expensive perfume, but who? It is really unusual to get this smell in this lab. Nayko is going to get more night, and after finishing the work, Nero returns quickly to the house.
(Will continue)

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