Nicola Tesla - The Unsung Hero of Science

Nicola Tesla - The Unsung Hero of Science

Nicola Tesla ~ The Unsung Hero of Science: If asked, "Which science contributor is most in our daily life?" Very hot topic for debate !! But yes, most votes will be for Thomas Alva Edison. Thomas Elbow Edison is the dream of many teenagers dreamed of! Suzan businessman and scientist 'Thomas Elva Edison' But those who have some knowledge about science, they prefer Edison as a 'businessman rather than a scientist'. Edison is one of the most influential businessmen and influential businessmen of his time ... and scientists ... One of the greatest discoveries of science is that the electric bulb is in his hands. But interestingly, if Edison did not patent the invention of the bulb, then it would have been discovered by someone else! Before Edison's bulb theory was established, a scientist from England named 'Joseph Swann' lit up an electric bulb in his city. However, Edison tactfully 'Joseph Swan' as his company partner! In 1884, this Edison company 'Edison Power Co.' Nicola Tesla took a job in His job is to redesign the DC generator. Tesla said that he could make this DC Generator better! Upon hearing this Edison offered to him, if Tesla could do this, he would be rewarded with $ 50,000! After Edison Tesla offered $ 50,000 to him, he said, "I do not understand the American joke!" After a few months of tension, 'Tesla' can finish his work, after finishing his work. Then Tesla wants his award, Edison laughs, "Yes Yes ... you see, American jokes do not even understand! "Tesla pay is only $ 18 / per week to $ 28 / per week! Tesla was a very self-conscious After this kind of hoax by Edison, Tesla got upset and told Edison to leave the job to two cheeks, this time, Tesla took the advantage of Edison's rival 'Westinghouse Electric Supply Company'! The subsequent events, known as "The War of Currents". The War Of Currents (Electric War): The term 'War of Currents' is new for many people ... and those who have some knowledge about science, they have to take Tesla AC against Edison DC It is familiar to Jupiter, but in reality, this electric war is not just between Edison and Tesla! The other is involved with this war, he is 'Westinghouse'. Edison's company 'Edison Power Co.' After leaving his job, Tesla took a look at another businessman named Westinghouse. Tesla then took the job from Westinghouse's company 'Westinghouse Corp.' In the company of Westinghouse, Tesla Edison's DC current or current flows through the AC current or alternate flow against electricity, while Edison's great weakness in Edison That is, it can not send far enough power! The breath is not enough to go 2/3 kilometers! So, the power plant Tasla's AC Current is not a problem with Tesla's AC Current v Edison DC Current. If we do not discover Tesla AC current, then we can use each of the technologies to use Edison technology. Edison and Tesla were already struggling to produce electricity in their homes, and Edison's with Westinghouse Hostility from all business! So AC ~ DC this is called the Tesla-Westinghouse vs Edison conflict dbandake! History called 'The War of Current'. Tesla could Edison was a thousand times more talented, but it was not near Edison caturataya! Edison was Fichale intellect! And impossible business knowledge. Edison was able to understand this with his business intelligence, Tesla will fall in his DC Current face in front of AC Current! So the only way to tell him was to open the door. Edison vs Tesla-Westinghouse] Edison used to promote DC's presence and publicity in front of the general public by applying its social status and its capabilities; On the other hand, the AC curtains are down! But this method did not work too much! So to stop the use of Adison Tesla and the use of AC Current, a circus elephant in public 'who killed AC electric shock in front of everyone! He portrayed the seriousness of the AC carrier. And it can be harmful for humans, it is misunderstood. Discover the disgusting of modern civilization - electric chair! But it benefits, American police! They have been searching for alternative ways of hanging of the convicts for a long time. From then on, they started hanging in the 'Electric Chair' instead of hanging, and started executing the death sentence! On the other hand, Edison has not been able to do any such work! And AC against DC is the winner. Tessler won the merit of Edison's cleverness! The end of the bloodstream ends in history The War of Currents But from the AC / DC war, the disgusting discovery of modern civilization - electric chair! It is so terrible that it is seen in the famous 'Green Mile' movie! Radio's inventor: Markini neither Tesla! We all had a common knowledge book in my childhood. There was a beautifully written book called "Radio Detector Marnecki." The inventor of the radio: Marconi Tesla ?? Many have already searched Google

Textbooks have their names. And Tesla ?? He became a lost master !! Tesla spent the rest of his time outside his research to fight against these stolen discovery patents! Or to save his living! Nikola Tesla ~ The Dark Knight of Science Tesla then works for the Westinghouse Company to provide the cost of survival. From there, he discovered, the cost-effective production of the electricity. He was able to produce electricity at home using 'Niagara Falls' power! The world is known with 'modern hydroelectric power plant'! But everyone knows as the inventor of hydroelectric power plant, the Westinghouse! Tesla who has sold talent to the survival costs, must understand! The world knows, in 1935, 'Robert Watson Wade' invented the radar. But 18 years ago, in 1917, Tesla did not know the radar theory that the world went through !! During World War I in 1917, Tesla offered radar technology for the US Navy. Interestingly, then Edison was the head of Research and Development at that time ... yes yes, Thomas Elva Edison !! Edison Tesla, the name of the technology cancels! He denies the navy's top officials that it is absolutely indispensable-fiddling technology, no navy's work! After 18 years of doing the same, Robert Watson wins the world. Tesla's many other discoveries are lost! We do not even know about half of them! But it can be said that it is close to the eyes, rather than the invention that has not been recognized, it has not been invented, or the number of discoveries that are hidden is more than that! "I do not care that they stole my ideas. I care that they do not have their own. ~ Nikola Tesla" Nikola Tesla is a lost class ... the most contributing to our present life so much. He is, Nikola Tesla! Electricity, Tesla Coil, Induction Motors, Radar, Remote Control, Radio Wave ... Everything Discovered ... Neglected Tesla! Knowledge greets the fact that most of Tesla's discoveries have been invented by others themselves. But they also believe that if Tesla was allowed to complete all of his discoveries, then the world's appearance would have been different! Tesla was not just an extraordinary talented inventor! He was a humanitarian social worker and a patriot. [Which is not seen in most scientists!] Tesla wanted to discover 'Free Energy'. Tesla's last dream was to provide free electricity for everyone! He was very successful, his chestaya! But no business agreed! Because, it does not have any business in their business! So he started construction of a tower, by the name of the construction of telecommunication, a financier's money. 'Tesla Tower' .. from which people will get free electricity! Nikola Tesla ~ The Unsung Hero of Science But its financier knows in some way that it does not have any financial advantages. He closed the tower! But in the end, if Tesla gave this invention to finish, we would need only an antenna for our electricity! Those who prefer a censorship movie, they are familiar with 'Death to Satellites'; We think this is a science. Science is the science of the future, but this death ray is not in the future ... Tesla has designed almost 100 years ago! Tesla used to hate the war. However, he took the 'Death Ray' project to protect the country's security and prevent war. Death Ray is the 80,000 volts of 'High Powered Particle Beam'. It could penetrate everything in the journey, could make any material 250 kilometers away ash! Yet the British and the American government did not care about this project! There was another attempt of Tesla's life, 'Weather Control'! Tesla made a huge 'standing wave' by influencing the Earth's ionosphere, using an individual radio wave. Which was later used to control wind direction. And if you can control the wind direction, the weather can be controlled! Tesla has proved that it is possible to create the necessary waves to control the weather. But the American government stands here! Destruction may start if this invention is in the hands of wrong people ... this is tessala and its invention! Tesla's Statchy is going through a free Wifi signal; Tesla does not know how many more discoveries we know, and we will never know! If used, maybe our world would be completely different today! And yes, let's keep a little interesting information, Tesla can not go through our free energy until finally, a statue of America's Silicon Valle is made of free Wifi
Signal is going! Nicola Tesla: The Mad Scientist: Tessler is one of the many inventions: "Teslascope". He created this "Teslascope" for the financial contact in the universe. Tesla claimed that he could trace the Allian Seagull! But Tesla did not have any proven logic in favor of this claim. No one trusted in him. Become a laughing stock to everyone. Once again he announced in front of the media that he has invented the 'terrible death ray'! Who will give him the name of 'Mad Scientist' to him ?! Along with many important discoveries of science, Tesla has also made a lot of interesting fun discovery ... many people think that scientists are 'dirty-black' type! And I do not know about the scientists ... but Tesla is exactly the opposite! He even made bathtubs to clean the dirt-germ of human body. Bathtab made again? But instead of water bathing Tesla bath bath used electricity! Tesla invented a seismologist. With that he struck 7-magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale in New York City! Tesla claimed that if he wanted, he could destroy the whole mankind through an earthquake. You can even slice the whole world in two parts! Once Tesla could read a book, memorize that book! It is said in science, 'Photographic memory'. Thousands of designs he could have in the head! No need to write in the book! Tesla could speak 8 languages! Never sleep more than 2 hours a day! But the 'recharge battery' occasionally hangs up. Has played 48 hours of billiards at the school! Once in the lab has worked 84 hours continuously! We call them crazy, whose activities are not like ordinary people. And Tesla is mine-your common man ... so he should not be called a mad man, who should say it! He has given a very proper name, "The Mad Scientist"! On 7 January 1943, 'Madison Scientist Nicola Tesla' died in his hotel room at the age of 86! A day before he hung the sign of "Do Not Disturb" at the door of his hotel room. Without ignoring this sign, the hotel's maid 'Alice' enters inside and discovers Tesla's body! Doctors say coronary thrombosis is the cause of death. But still many believe, Tesla was killed !! After Tesla's death, FBI Tessler attacked his hotel room and took all his research, papers, suitcases! Even in the twenty-first century, these research papers are still confiscated by the American government in a very protected vault !! What other discoveries were there in those papers, which we still do not know !! But in life, Nikola Tesla alone has taken science away! If not Tesla, maybe we would not have been in this situation! We had to build huge generators at home to each of us! 'Remote Control' Maybe we did not know! 'Radio wave', 'radar' or 'x-ray' could have been ... but it can not be said so much better! And if Tesla is still ?? We did not have to pay electricity bill every month ... Energy was free! Maybe we knew about alien! Maybe we used to control the weather! If Tesla had this "maybe" actually "become" ... maybe ...! Tesla is said to be "The Hero of Science" ... "The Unsung Hero of Science." But Tesla is not just Sirius's hero ... ... the hero of the movie! ... or he did not act in any film, but he Some movies have been released, sometimes by showing him the inventor, and sometimes in the movie, "Mad Scientist" in the role of villain in 'Superman' cartoon, it is actually Tesla! 'Christopher Nolan' is the detector in his famous movie 'The Prestige'. The answer is: 'Christopher Nolan' is a worthy claimant, Tesla ~ The Hero! Yes, yet many do not know Tesla! But yes, he will be remembered for us, an extraordinary line, "As long as the truthful mind is on earth, Tesla will return and Tesla will survive in our midst. Thank you, Thank you very much for being patient so much.

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