Potassium cyanide (KCN)
"Potassium cyanide" (KCN)
Potassium cyanide (KCN) is a high level of toxic substance that can cause low levels of dose of death. Potassium cyanide taste is like bitter almond, but not everyone gets the taste.
KCN is basically used for refining gold, organic compound synthesis and electroplating.
KCN is made from hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and potassium hydroxide.
Otherwise, it is made in reaction to formamide and KOH.
About 50000 tons of KCN is made every year.
Potassium Gold Cyanide is made of gold in the gold industry, KCN, water and oxygen.
4 Au 8 KCN O2 2 H2O → 4 K [Au (CN) 2] 4 KOH
Poisoning: Potassium cyanide does not cause any poisoning directly. Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) gas has to be formed to show its power. This is HCN E Deadly.
Severe poisoning: Cyanide poisoning is called isotopocytopic hypoxia, because the cell's respiratory function is stopped for cyanide. Cyanide is a hormonant venom
Mitochondrialitis reduces oxidase on the oxidase and closes oxidative phosphorylation. For this reason, no energy can be produced in the body. Because of the lack of oxygen in the body, the inhalation occurs and lactic acid is formed. Syanide causes the body to become red because the body tissues can use blood oxygen No
Cyanide poisoning can occur in many ways, but it is done when HCN gas is taken during breathing. Different industrial plants, where there is smoke, such as wool, silk, polyurethane or vinyl, which are made from different industries, cyanide emits. If the cyanide is taken with the breath, By doing so, the vision becomes blurred, it is difficult to breathe, the ability to work in the heart, decreasing or decaying, defining For the death of one adult, 200-300 mg of potassium or sodium cyanide is enough.
In small quantities, regular pesticides and tobacco smoke contain cyanide. Different foods also contain cyanides such as elmand, apricot kernel, apple and orangels, cassava etc. Many days when these foods are consumed (in the warming of Africa, many people eat as much as Cassava's main food. ) There are many symptoms associated with weaknesses. Many organs of their body become permanently unsteady, nervous Damage occurs and many women have miscarriage.